
The Rome Temple Visitors’ Center, Rome, Italy

The Project
The first temple in Italy dedicated to the worshipers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, universally known as Mormons, was inaugurated in January 2019.

With its two spiers, the most imposing one surmounted by the majestic fiberglass statue of the prophet Moroni at over 40 m high, dominates this area of the Rome's III (formerly IV) municipio in the first suburb to the north of Rome. The temple complex also includes a multi-purpose center, a guesthouse, a library and a Visitor’s Center, as well as a square with imposing dimensions, referring to geometry and decorative elements in the Roman forum.

In addition to the large extension, the richness of the materials used in the construction is striking: the external walls of the temple, with precious decorated glass windows, are in Sardinian granite, the interior finishes include marble, wood, Venetian plaster, Murano glass chandeliers and paintings decorative of remarkable mastery.

The Visitor’s Center fits perfectly the complex with its glass façade made of Pilkington Planar™, a structural glass system that allows the creation of a seamless glass envelope, minimizing the structural elements, with a final effect of surprising lightness.

For the construction of the façade Pilkington Planar™ Insulating Glass Units have been made of extra clear Pilkington Optiwhite™ THS 12 mm think and extra clear low-e glass Pilkington K Glass™ OW THS 6 mm thick. Both panes have been toughened and heat soak tested.

To maximize the feeling of extreme transparency, even in the choice of vertical uprights, glass fins are preferred, instead of tie rods or metal profiles. To maximize the result these have been made of extra clear low iron content substrate.

The entire load of the glazed façade, as well as the project actions, are in fact entirely supported by six glass fins made of 15 mm Pilkington Optiwhite™ THS toughened and heat soak tested to guarantee the fulfilment of the structural requirements.

Numerous professionals took part in the design and construction of the work, including Hanno Luschin, architect of the Church, Roberto Santori, architect of Bioedil Progetti, director of works and the Italian company CG Edilcoop, executing company.
  Project ReferenceGL_PR0063
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Project Details
Surface Area
120 m² façade + 30 m² fins
376 Via di Settebagni, 00139 Rome, Italy
Opening Date
Jan 2019
Building Type
  • Public
About the Architect/Installer
Hanno Luschin – Salt Lake City (USA) ; Roberto Santori, Bioedil Progetti, Rome
CG Edilcoop, Rome
Benefit Led Categories
  • Glass Systems
  • Enhanced Visibility